Office of Research & Graduate Studies

Researchers work in a laboratory

The MSU CVM Office of Research and Graduate Studies (ORGS) is a service unit that provides leadership in research administration and graduate education to CVM faculty, research staff, graduate students and veterinary students.

In the area of research, ORGS assists in identifying sources of funding for both extramural and intramural research, provides budget support and administrative guidance to CVM researchers during the process of grant proposal submissions, assists investigators in managing research accounts, and supports the actual process of conducting and publishing research results.

ORGS also provides administrative oversight and direction for CVM’s graduate programs, which include the veterinary medical sciences MS and PhD programs and the PhD program in environmental toxicology.

Areas of specialty include:

  • Epidemiology 
  • Infectious diseases
  • Toxicology 
  • Aquatic Medicine
  • Avian Medicine
  • Pharmacology
  • Pathology and Production Medicine

If after reviewing the content on this section of our site, you find that you have questions or need additional information regarding research opportunities or graduate studies at MSU CVM, please email us or give us a call!

Additional Contact Information

Meet Our ORGS Faculty & Staff

David Smith, DVM, PhD
Associate Dean
CVM Office of Research and Graduate Studies
P.O. Box 6100/Mail Stop 9825
Mississippi State, MS  39762
Office: R2001 Wise Center 
Phone: 662-325-1205